Button, Button who's got the Button?
I have not been Blogging , Facebooking, or Twittering much today. I was easily distracted and flitted from one incomplete project to another.
Is ADD in the air??
Somewhere along the day the need for 4 matching buttons came up. My project could use 4 matching buttons OR 2 pink & 2 blue of the same size and style.

I located my button stash and at first glance thought: Perfect colors and Many to choose from!
This bundle is what I was matching to.......something pretty in the works........

For the next 20 minutes I sorted and sorted so more! As husbands tend to do, mine walked in the room to ask what I was doing. When I explained how no two buttons were the same, he looked at me as if I were crazy and began to look for my oversight!
The Tile Man finally came to his manly senses and left the room, mumbling something about wanting to eat lunch.
Just like snowflakes, no two pastel buttons in this collection are alike!
With laundry to wash, floors to sweep, groceries to buy and seams to sew, I found myself going through my other button containers!
Notice the DOZEN of large purple beauties. I've owned them for about 10 years...... possibly BECAUSE they are large & purple!?

Beautiful buttons and fabric! Can't wait to see what you create :)